‘Alice in Borderland’ Season 2: Spoiler, Cast and Plot

Alice in Borderland, a Science fantasy Suspense-thriller Drama is based on the manga of a similar title written by Haro Aso. The drama revolves around Arisu (video-game tormented man) and the gang. Originally released on the 10th of December 2020, the hit Netflix sequel is back with the next season. Fans are thrilled about the new release as the season will focus on the explorations of Arisu and the gang. Let’s have a glimpse at other factors of Alice in Borderland’s Season 2: such as star cast, plot, etc.

Main cast members Of Alice in Borderland Season 2

No official declaration is made in this respect, but we can expect all the members to return for the next release of The Cast Of Alice in Borderland. The two main leads of the show – Yuzuha Usagi portrayed by Tao Tsuchiya and Ryōhei Arisu portrayed by Kento Yamazaki are hoped to be seen in the upcoming season.

Other cast members that will join them to give us buckets of entertainment in Alice in Borderland Season 2 are :

  • Risa Naka as Mira
  • Ayaka Miyoshi as An
  • Aya Asahina as Kuina
  • Nijiro Murakami as Chishiya

The episodes of Alice in Borderland Season 2

Moving on, now we will discuss the number of episodes that the other season of Alice in Borderland Season 2. Though the name of the episodes of the upcoming season is under wraps, we can expect that the upcoming season will cover a total of ten episodes. The initial season of ‘Alice in Borderland’ carried eight events. In case you are unfamiliar with the season, you can watch it on Netflix.

Spoiler of Alice in Borderland Season 2

The next season started from where the first season had finished. We all know that the first season ceased when Arisu and Usagi were seen exploring a deadly place crammed with gamemasters. A new girl – Mira is seen gathering face cards. And the audience is left with questions in mind like Who’s grabbing the strings? What is the Borderland? What do the face card challenges include?

All these answers will be disclosed when the new season pops up on the Netflix screen. The expected release date of next season is late 2021 or early 2022. The new season unlocks after the devastation faced by the players after the Witch-Hunt game. The girl – Mira appeared at the end of season 1 is the mastermind behind the game. She is the former executive of the Beach who declares the next stage of the games. The upcoming season will revolve around Arisu and Usagi who will surely uncover the truth and mystery behind the bloody Borderland.

Release Date of Alice in Borderland Season 2

Though the official release date is not announced early 2022 is sure to stay tuned for this thriller Netflix series. An official trailer will be revealed two months before the premiering of season 2. The first season has already covered 31 chapters of Hara Aso’s manga series and the remaining 33 chapters will be revealed in the upcoming (Maybe the last) season of Alice in Borderland’.




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