If you are considering a home loan to purchase a house, the interest rates must be your primary concern. Not only do they determine the affordability of the loan but the overall repayment amount. But have you decided which interest rate is suitable for your loan? Lenders generally offer two […]
Vijay Deshwal has more than six years of experience in financial institutions including the NBFC and is responsible for conceptualizing and encouraging accountability strategies for corporate ecosystems in the bank. The Poonawalla group that has acquired Magma Fincorp announces Vijay Deshwal as its Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The company said […]
Doesn’t the title sound quite interesting? How can we welcome convenience to our homes? Many of you may think that we are talking about electronic appliances but today we are shedding light on a very unique invention. It has become a need of all the homes due to some circumstances. […]