The Righteous Gemstones stands as an American crime TV show penned by Danny McBride, spanning three seasons and 27 episodes. HBO has given the green light for yet another season of this gripping saga. Centered around a notorious clan of televangelists, the series delves into their tumultuous dynamics. As an HBO original, we’ll delve into all the pertinent information regarding the release date, cast, and trailer for The Righteous Gemstones season 4 in this article.
The series was created by Danny McBride on HBO. The first season of the series premiered on August 18, 2019. There are three seasons of the series, and it was renewed for its fourth season in 2023. The story revolves around a famous and dysfunctional family of televangelists.
Will There be a Season 4 of The Righteous Gemstones?
Yes, HBO has officially renewed the series for the fourth season. It is of no surprise that the makers are coming up with another season, as the show had an impressive viewership and has been a hit for HBO. HBO released an official press release to announce the upcoming season of The Righteous Gemstones.
What Is the Release Date of the Righteous Gemstones Season 4?
The Righteous Gemstones Season 4 is anticipated to release in 2024. However, no information has been provided by the makers about the release date as of now.
Seasons Release Date
- Season 1 August 18, 2019
- Season 2 January 9, 2022
- Season 3 June 18, 2023
- Season 4 Not released yet
Cast Of the Righteous Gemstones Season 4
For the fourth season, it’s likely that we’ll see the return of familiar faces from the previous three seasons rather than the introduction of new characters. The upcoming season’s cast list may consist of…
- John Goodman as Dr. Elijah “Eli” Gemstone
- Danny McBride as Jesse Gemstone
- Adam DeVine as Kelvin Gemstone
- Edi Patterson as Judy Gemstone
- Tony Cavalero as Keefe Chambers
- Cassidy Freeman as Amber Gemstone
- Skyler Gisondo as Gideon Gemstone
- Gregalan Williams plays Martin Imari
- Tim Baltz as Benjamin Jason “BJ” Barnes
- Walton Goggins as Baby Billy Freeman
- Jennifer Nettles as Aimee-Leigh Gemstone
- Dermot Mulroney as Rev. John Wesley
What Will Be the Plot of the Righteous Gemstones Season 4?
Currently, there’s been no announcement regarding the plot details for Season 4 of The Righteous Gemstones. Nonetheless, it’s anticipated that the narrative will pivot towards Gideon’s venture into the ministry alongside his grandfather Eli, a move that might cause friction with Jesse. The last season left room for several questions that are to be answered in the fourth season. The guardians of the kids in his youth ministry have conflicts with the idea of same-sex relationships. Keefe and Kelvin are openly a couple. Now we have to see where things go from here. One thing is sure, it will bring more fun and entertainment to the audience.
Is The Trailer for the Righteous Gemstones Season 4 Revealed?
The Season 4 trailer is yet to be released officially. We can expect the trailer to be released by late 2024. In the meantime, you can watch the trailer for the third season. The trailer is expected to provide a glimpse of the humour and fun in the series and make you curious about some unanswered questions. You might think about where things will go from here.
Where Can I Watch the Righteous Gemstones Season 4?
Originally, The Righteous Gemstones was released on HBO, but you can watch The Righteous Gemstones on Spectrum on Demand, Max Amazon Channel, Max and Amazon Prime Video. The series consists of 4 seasons, of which 3 are released. It has 27 episodes that are shot in English.