Scam Alert: These Suspicious Numbers 20379099, 953769951, 095 362 3342,953625312, 0839985724 and 20810300 in Thailand

Warning: 20379099, 953769951, 095 362 3342, 0839985724, 953625312, 021806000, 20810300, 27009088, 20795271, 022329861, 020179600, 0839930649, 0953646214, 02-037-9099, 20962636, 20162098 in the Thailand

In today’s interconnected world, scams and fraudulent activities have unfortunately become all too common. One concerning trend is the rise of suspicious calls from unfamiliar numbers. If you’ve ever received a call from numbers like 20379099, 953769951, 095 362 3342, 953625312, 0839985724, or 20810300 in Thailand, you need to be cautious. Scammers are constantly finding new ways to target innocent individuals, and it’s essential to equip yourself with knowledge to identify and avoid potential threats.

Recognizing the Scam: Calls from Unknown Numbers

Scammers often use random or unfamiliar phone numbers to catch potential victims off guard. They might claim to be from a bank, government agency, or even a legitimate company, hoping to trick you into providing sensitive information or making a financial transaction. Here’s how you can recognize these scam calls:

  • Unsolicited Offers: If the caller offers you something that sounds too good to be true, like a prize or a deal that requires immediate action, be skeptical.
  • Urgency and Threats: Scammers create a sense of urgency, threatening legal actions or consequences if you don’t comply.
  • Request for Personal Information: Legitimate organizations will never ask for personal details like your Social Security number, credit card details, or passwords over the phone.
  • Payment Requests: Be cautious of callers who demand payments via wire transfers, gift cards, or cryptocurrency. These are red flags of a scam.
  • Caller ID Spoofing: Scammers can manipulate caller IDs to appear as a trustworthy entity, making it harder to identify their true identity.

How to Protect Yourself

Stay Informed and Vigilant

  • Research the Number: Before returning a call, search online to see if others have reported the number as a scam.
  • Use Call Blocking: Your phone may have a feature to block specific numbers. Utilize it to prevent future calls from the same scammers.

Secure Your Personal Information

  • Never Share Sensitive Data: Legitimate organizations will not ask for personal information over the phone. Be cautious and avoid sharing such details.
  • Use Two-Factor Authentication: Enable two-factor authentication for your important accounts to add an extra layer of security.

Verify the Caller’s Identity

  • Ask for Official Contact Information: If a caller claims to be from a legitimate organization, ask for their name, department, and contact details. Then verify independently before sharing information.

FAQs about Scam Calls and Safety

1. Are all calls from unfamiliar numbers scams?

Not necessarily. While it’s essential to be cautious, some calls might be from legitimate sources. Always verify the identity of the caller before sharing any sensitive information.

2. What should I do if I receive a suspicious call?

If you receive a call that raises suspicions, hang up immediately. Do not engage with the caller. If it’s a legitimate concern, they will find a way to contact you through official channels.

3. Can scammers steal my identity through phone calls?

Yes, scammers can use the information they gather from phone calls to steal your identity. That’s why it’s crucial to avoid sharing any personal or financial details.

4. Should I rely solely on caller ID to identify a caller?

No, scammers can manipulate caller ID information. Even if the caller ID appears legitimate, remain cautious and follow the other tips mentioned in this article.

5. How can I report scam calls?

You can report scam calls to your local authorities and relevant consumer protection agencies. Additionally, you can block the number on your phone and leave a comment about the call on online forums or websites that track scam numbers.

6. Is there any way to stop scam calls altogether?

While it’s challenging to completely eliminate scam calls, staying informed, using call blocking features, and being cautious about sharing personal information can significantly reduce your risk.


In a world where scammers are becoming increasingly sophisticated, it’s essential to remain vigilant and well-informed. Calls from numbers like 20379099, 953769951, 095 362 3342, 953625312, 0839985724, and 20810300 in Thailand could potentially be scams. By recognizing the signs, protecting your personal information, and verifying callers’ identities, you can significantly reduce your risk of falling victim to these schemes. Remember, your safety comes first, so never hesitate to hang up on suspicious calls and take the necessary precautions to safeguard yourself from potential scams.


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Scam Calls Alert from Various Numbers 0120005441, 0120991013, 8008087000, 5031551046, 8009190347, 0120985480 and 120999443 in Japan

Fri Sep 1 , 2023
Warning: 0120005441, 8008087000, 0120985480, 5031551046, 8009190347, 120999443, 222117258, 120252000, 0120-925-527, 120925318, 120998151, 570005040, 0120988315, 0120991013, 0120988315, 0120989393, 0120633439, 08005003225, 332659022, 120170001, 5088812828, 669104115, 5031599953, 120996085, 120979555, 8002229417, 922615616, 364358073, 8001009127, 5030336342, 120526888, 120917245, 364358073, 0120-252-000, 120868014, 120013175, 671669891, 120397663, 0570 005 040, 0120 247 218, 8007775926, 120426288, 050 3155 1046, […]
Scam Calls Alert from Various Numbers 0120005441, 0120991013, 8008087000, 5031551046, 8009190347, 0120985480 and 120999443 in Japan

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